Beber on the Road ‘23 - Adventures with Trudy and Michael

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Fueling Up!

Trudy and Michael hitting the road for a second straight year was more than just a scenic adventure—it was a mission to connect with Beber communities across St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Columbus, and Cleveland. The purpose? To create new connections with potential camp families and reunite with our amazing and spirited campers and their parents. The road trip was over 1900 miles, but the sense of community that unfolded at each stop made every mile worthwhile.

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Celebrate Good Times!

The reunions at each destination were nothing short of uplifting. You could feel the Beber spirit even though we weren’t in Mukwonago. It was meaningful to bring together current campers and their families to celebrate our summer home. Creativity was at a high during our Beber branded Scattergories-like game, providing a perfect way to spark engaging conversations about the summer.

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Memorable Swag!

We ensured that every camper left with more than just memories. Each camper received a swag bag including a stylish Beber branded winter hat—a cozy reminder of the upcoming Winter and the warmth of our camp community. Additionally, new water bottles, sunglasses and more were distributed.

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The Heart of Beber!

Beyond the games and swag, what truly makes Beber special is the diverse Jewish community that forms its foundation. The road trip showcased the broad reach of our camp, with campers hailing from various states across the U.S. This diversity not only enriches the experiences of our campers but also highlights the inclusivity and welcoming nature of the Beber community.

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A Journey of Connection!

Trudy and Michael have learned they are great travel partners, but it’s more than just a journey of geographical exploration. It was a journey of connection, where the essence of Beber was shared and celebrated. As we reflect on the miles traveled, the laughter shared, and the bonds formed, it's evident that the heart of Beber lies in the warmth of its community—a diverse and vibrant Kehilla Kedosha that continues to unite us all.

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How Can You Share the Beber Magic?

As we embrace the winter season and the warmth of community, we're thrilled to present some exciting opportunities for you to share the Beber magic!

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The Beber Ambassador Program: Spread the Love, Share the Fun, and Save on Tuition!

Our Beber Camp family is the heartbeat of our community. We believe that the best experiences are those shared, and that's where you come in. Become a Beber Ambassador, refer a camper, and save up to $500 for each new camper you introduce to us by February 1. Check out the details here to discover this fantastic way of spreading the joy and growth that happens at Beber.

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Taste of Beber: Try Beber for Three Days!

For those considering joining our vibrant Beber Camp family, the Taste of Beber is the perfect introduction to a transformative Jewish camp experience. This immersive program offers a glimpse into the incredible community that defines Beber Camp. Please help us thrive and share the genuine stories and your heartfelt recommendations so that we can welcome new campers and their families with open arms. Interested families can explore the magic of Beber Camp by signing up for Taste of Beber today through this link.


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Spread Camp Happiness with a Happy Camper Yard Sign!

Hey there, Chicago neighbors! How about jazzing up your front yard with a Happy Camper Yard Sign? It's THE cool new way to show some camp spirit and spread good vibes. Want in on the action? Just shoot Michael an email, and our team will swing by with your own Happy Camper Sign. Let's make our streets a bit more awesome, one yard at a time!

Want to showcase your camp spirit? Email Michael to secure your sign and let your neighbors in on the incredible experiences happening at Beber. Limited quantities are available, with home delivery and placement by a full-time team member. We're working on expanding to Colorado and other communities soon!

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src="" alt="Beber on the Road ‘23 - STL" title_text="Beber on the Road ‘23 - STL" _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" custom_padding="15px||15px||true|false" border_radii="on|15px|15px|15px|15px" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" custom_padding="0px|||||" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"]

Whether you're referring a friend, proudly displaying a Beber Camp yard sign, or promoting Taste of Beber, you're contributing to the vibrant Beber community that makes each summer unforgettable.
